ASDAN is an awarding organisation providing courses, accredited curriculum programmes and regulated qualifications to empower young students who may be disengaged with mainstream education. The courses offer a personalised, practical and tailored approach to learning and help students to gain life skills which they will take through to adulthood and a qualification which is accredited.

Aims of ASDAN

At IMPACT, we currently run qualifications for Employability and Personal Social Development.
Employability allows students to learn vital skills which are transferable to everyday life. Students will learn how to create a cv, fill a job application form, take part in an interview and develop the skills that are desirable for employers. Students will also be given the chance to research potential careers and have support in finding the job role that best suits them.


The Personal, Social Development qualification gives students the ability to build their confidence in a range of social situations. This includes building important social skills for the workplace, building relationships and tackling everyday situations. This allows students to understand how their behaviour and social skills can have a huge impact on their life outcomes. It gives students the social tools to tackle different situations in life!