About Us
Our part time programmes and bespoke part time educational packages provide high quality support for young people at both key stage 3 and key stage 4. Our purpose and mission is to ensure that everyone can reach their full educational potential in a setting that is suited to meeting their needs, whilst ensuring positive outcomes and building upon their social, emotional and mental health wellbeing also. The main goal is for our learners to use the key skills developed to successfully reintegrate back to their referring setting or onto their new education pathway. Character building is at the heart of every programme and package we offer here at Impact North West.
Meet the Team
Holly Cottrell - Founder / Executive Head of Centre
Holly is passionate about inclusive education, ensuring that every child has an opportunity to make good progress and achieve positive outcomes, despite any barriers to learning they may face.
With Holly’s passion and drive to ensure every child matters, regardless of need, at Impact, we pride ourselves on the wealth of experience and skills that our team offers our referring schools and learners.
With over 20 years experience in a range of different education settings, our first class expertise enables us to engage and achieve positive outcomes for some of the most challenging, hard to reach and vulnerable learners.
All of our staff are highly trained specialists with experience in developing, leading and practicing first quality teaching and outstanding behaviour management. These skills ensure guaranteed quality first teaching and first class education provision journey.
Holly Cottrell
Founder/Executive Head of Centre